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Walks around Bradley

The following information relates to certain walks in and around the village of Bradley, which were undertaken during the period of April to November 2020. We ask that all walkers respect landowners property and take care around livestock. Keep your pets on leads and clean up! Dog faeces can be detrimental to livestock.

To report any rights of way issues (missing signage, broken stiles etc.) please visit or you can email the information to the clerk, please make sure you have the following details, exact location, preferably marked on a map, and the nature of the complaint.

For each walk two maps are provided:

  1. Staffordshire County Council footpath maps.

These show all of the footpaths, which lie in the area in which the particular walk is located.

  1. Google Earth aerial images.

These show the outline (marked in bright yellow) of the particular walk.  Only those paths relevant to the walk are labelled. Various landmarks are also indicated on these images. It must be borne in mind, however, that these images may not be up to date. Consequently, although the footpaths depicted are, as far as possible, in accordance with their location on the Staffs County Council maps, it may be that alteration to the terrain, such as the removal of hedges, the change in usage of the land, etc. could have taken place since they were produced, thus preventing a totally accurate picture being given.

Also included in both of the above maps are photographs taken during these walks. These photographs are numbered and the positions to which they relate are marked on the maps in either red (on the Staffs County Council maps) or orange (on the Google Earth images). Since these photographs only represent the state of the various pathways at a particular point in time, whenever relevant the date of the photograph will be provided.

This list of walks is by no means exhaustive. The commentaries, based on personal experience, are primarily designed for the benefit of relatively inexperienced walkers of moderate fitness.  Using this premise, timings are based upon a steady average walking rate of approximately 3 mph if conditions are favourable. None of the walks required excessive exertion in terms of their length, but at times the nature of the terrain might present problems for the walker. Wherever possible potential difficulties have been indicated in the text.

Note: There are eight walks described in the following accounts. However, not all are available at present:

Walk 4 is unavailable since Bradley 7 is closed at present due to a broken bridge which crosses over a stream. The location of the bridge is indicated on the Google Earth image provided for this walk.  The bridge is due to reopen March 2021.

It is inadvisable to attempt Walk 6 at present due to the various issues which may prove hazardous to walkers.

In the case of all eight of the walks potential difficulties have been pointed out as far as possible in the accompanying text. The County Council have been made aware of issues involved.

Please can you be sure to follow the Countryside code.