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Neighbourhood watch

Bradley Neighbourhood Watch was set up to help people protect themselves and their properties and reduce the fear of crime by means of improved home security, greater vigilance, accurate reporting of suspicious incidents to the police and each other and by fostering a community spirit

Even in areas where crime rates are low, the fear of crime, particularly among vulnerable people, can be high. Involvement in NW can reassure vulnerable residents and provide support to those who are worried about their safety and security. Our NH scheme enables our communities to look after each other.

In Bradley, the village is split into 14 different areas with Co-ordinators for each and all residents are invited to join in. We are supported by  the local police whenever needed .All coordinators are on the police messaging system, Stafffordshire SmartAlert, and are notified by email of incidents and scams which are then circulated to the residents. All residents can also have access to this system.

To find out more, go to Staffordshire smart alert

We meet in  the Red Lion every 3 month, and we try to make the meetings social events.  Anyone who is interested is welcome to come along.